Saturday, April 10, 2010

If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.

Photos are taken by me.

I must admit, they're not very good, and no, I'm not being modest. I'm only a few days old at handling a Nikon D90 and I need to understand it better, I think.
I should have put these up earlier, when I was feeling better.

Anyhow, I hope all of you like them.


Flora said...

an nikon D90, you lucky! i'm green with envy.
and i think you're being harsh on yourself, these are lovely. xx

Iliana Hagenah said...

If your being modest, then I cant wait to see what you can take after you get to know your Nikon better.

And I love how you know how to place your hand perfectly in the one with the berry.

Nikhat said...

Panchgani pics!! I love your camera!

Zehra said...

Bhaiya's jealous.
Oh! The pictures are lovely.I love,love,love the first picture.The lighting's awesome.The strawberry one is so cute.It seems like you have captured all the different shades green in the last picture.Path in the woods kind of thing.....Beautiful. Congratulations for the uni thing!I mean you haven't gone yet but at least khala's considering.So happy for you.How the hell did you manage to take the picture of the dog?Since we all know......=P